Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fall Obsession: Lace Shifts

I am falling in a major way for lace shift dresses this fall. I just can't get enough. I love, love, love this one by 3.1 Phillip Lim. In my dream world I would pair it with a pair of suede Louboutins, a neutral bag such as this Louis Vuitton, and a diamond cocktail watch. I think this is kind of necessary.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Designer du Jour: Judith March

My boyfriend is obsessed with football, literally. It must be noted that I have a really hard time getting pumped about the NFL. I am more of a college football girl. The beaux had a big part in my conversion from a Noles/Bama fan to becoming a happy little Gator. I spent much of my childhood highly confused due to the dynamic of team relations in my family. Rivalries among the Florida schools run high, so much so that my grandmother deemed it necessary to mandate no college team paraphernalia may be gifted on Christmas as to keep the peace. Basically, my conversion was kind of a big deal for me. Now that I have found my niche, I feel like my appreciation for the sport grows every Saturday of college football season. I am happy to say that the aforementioned appreciation developed into a "like" and recently blossomed into a "love". (Boyfriend: I hope you are reading this and understand the significance of what I just wrote.) Alas, fashion will always be greater than football in my book. Luckily, Judith March has made major strides when it comes to the synonymity of fashion and football. I am bored with girls clad in basic jersey dresses with the only qualifier for their look being the right Gator blue, forgetting all about the cut, fabric quality, and the cute factor. Judith March is putting and end to that with her perfected game day style. I can't wait to place my order. Florida vs. Georgia is over a month away but it is never too early to plan my outfit!

Friday, September 17, 2010

I'm moving!!

Yes, that's right! I am packing up my classic closet and moving to a new state. I am going to be working at one of my all-time favorite magazines and could not be more elated! My beaux and I will have to do a bit of a long(er)-distance stint for the time being but we already have plenty of weekend trips penciled in! Not to mention my family--specifically my mama--who has already been daydreaming with me about all of the things we will do when she comes to visit! So, with a week until move day, I am getting really excited/nervous. One of the most exciting parts of this whole move is the need for a fall wardrobe! Life as a Floridian does not really allow much room for that sort of thing. Yay for quilted jackets, boots, and textured tights!!

Also, it needs to be mentioned that I am not venturing to the publishing mecca of NYC. Homegirl can't handle life above the Mason-Dixon and luckily, this magazine just happens to be published in the heart of the South.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Crazy for Capes

I am loving capes in a major way this fall. I have been scouring this season's collections for something that is completely unrealistic for the climate in my neck of the woods but, in no way less necessary for my wardrobe. This number by 3.1 Phillip Lim came out of the gates real strong though it soon lost momentum once I allowed my mind to register the hefty price tag.