Friday, September 17, 2010

I'm moving!!

Yes, that's right! I am packing up my classic closet and moving to a new state. I am going to be working at one of my all-time favorite magazines and could not be more elated! My beaux and I will have to do a bit of a long(er)-distance stint for the time being but we already have plenty of weekend trips penciled in! Not to mention my family--specifically my mama--who has already been daydreaming with me about all of the things we will do when she comes to visit! So, with a week until move day, I am getting really excited/nervous. One of the most exciting parts of this whole move is the need for a fall wardrobe! Life as a Floridian does not really allow much room for that sort of thing. Yay for quilted jackets, boots, and textured tights!!

Also, it needs to be mentioned that I am not venturing to the publishing mecca of NYC. Homegirl can't handle life above the Mason-Dixon and luckily, this magazine just happens to be published in the heart of the South.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! Message me and let me know where you're working :)
